Saturday, May 15, 2010


I remember around Christmas saying after the holidays it will slow down, boy was I wrong. Come to think of it i have said that at least once each season during the past few years..
I think it is something I have learned to say to feel better about the things I do not accomplish that I feel are so very important, like the spring window cleaning or the summer yard work or the fall house repairs then the winter visiting family and "friends" I don't take the time to visit all year.. Maybe if I just stop saying "After things slow down" and stop feeling stressed about the things I don't get done, then I can take time and look back at all the really important things that were done and just say Thank You God for all you do for me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A new season

This week, for the first time I had the privilege of leading into study and fellowship a group of outstanding christian women. All different ages and all of them my peers. I felt very under qualified to be leading such awesome ladies, that for the most part have watched me grow up..
When I think about learning God's ways I feel like there are no age barriers between us... there are only more chances to learn and grow.. I love to sit with other women and hear the different things they talk about. I guess this goes all the way back to when I was very young and went with my mother to ladies dinners, baby showers, or even the occasional cry on my shoulder time... I listened so intently though not knowing what impact it had on me... The number one thing I have always heard women say to one another is "will you pray for me?" And now that I am older and those words are said to me quite often I wonder how many times we say I will and then don't.. Lifting up others in prayer changes the life of the one who is praying as well as the person requesting prayer... I know for me as a very young girl my mother prayed over me at night after I had fallen asleep, one night I awoke and thought she was very strange for doing this, now as a mother I lay my son down for bed and pray with him then pray over him(now she is not so strange).. It gives me peace of mind. It helps me sleep at night. Prayer has changed me. Colossians 4:2 Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

New To Blogging

Okay so I am a newbie, I am always a little behind the times.
Having no idea what to title my blog site I started thinking what I will be writing about the most, (my life) and I remembered my husbands most quoted bible verse John 10:10 where God says He has come to give us life more abundantly. Most of the time people say that life more abundantly defined means life to the fullest, I have to agree. For my family and I life more abundantly has meant The Fullest, Most Interesting, Ever Changing, Blessed Life. Now I am not saying that things are always good or easy, that is not what I mean by the blessed life. I am blessed because God leads me out of the pits I jump into. Remembering back on when I was a kid I have to laugh at times I fell into holes because I was not looking at where I was going. The holes/pits I fall into today do not fall in the same category, meaning that when I was a kid I did not look and therefore I fell, now as an adult I look at the hole, think about why the hole is interesting to me, wonder what I will get from being in the hole, then decide to jump in or not. The decision to jump takes me away from following God's Divine path for my life. Now I don't always choose to jump into a hole sometimes I just take my eye off the King and his path by taking things in my own hands or trying to change things that are not mine to change, this causes me to steer off the course. The awesome thing is that when I finally stop doing what I want and listen to the great plan He has for me He lifts me out of the pit dusts me off and puts me back on track. That is the interesting blessed life I lead, all because of my King. 1 John 1:9 ..... He is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins....